Proper Inspection And Maintenance Of Your Jewelry

Posted on: 20 October 2016

Your jewelry can be a source of much pride and sentimental value to you and your family. Many pieces of jewelry have been handed down by family members and are precious because they are heirlooms. In order to properly maintain and care for your jewelry, it is important to have it inspected often and repaired when necessary. Here are some signs to look for in your jewelry that may signal a need for cleaning and repair:

Jewelry Clasps - Be aware of how the clasps on your jewelry feel as you put them on and take them off. Many clasps use friction as a means of snapping into place and use of this friction can cause damage after extensive use. Be mindful of how your jewelry clasps feel or for a difference in sound as you snap them open or closed, as that could be an indication of damage. If you suspect any change or weakness, have a jeweler replace the clasps to prevent further damage. 

Necklace, Bracelet, and Anklet Chains - Look carefully at each link of your chains to find cracks, bending, or weak areas. Worn spots often appear as dents near a clasp or pendant. If you find any weak or worn areas, take your chain to a jeweler and have new links installed. These links can be spaced out evenly throughout the length of the chain so that they blend in visually with your original links.  

Watch Links, Bands, and Clasps - Watches are wearable tools that we rely on daily. Inspect your watch links and clasps often for signs of weakness or wear. Watch bands are especially susceptible to wear because of constant bending and stress. Check your watch links and bands for any changes in the metal, leather, or fabric as that could indicate stress and a need for maintenance and/or repair. 

Brooches and Pins - Although brooches and pins do not get a lot of movement while being worn, they can be damaged when putting them on and taking them off. Inspect the movement of the pin stem and the pin catch on your brooches and pins to make sure that they do not wobble when they are being used. If you find any movement, take them to your jeweler to have them tightened or replaced. 

Rings - Rings get a lot of wear and abuse and need constant care. If you have a ring that spins around on your finger, you should have your jeweler insert a ring guard or ring tightener on the band to keep it in place while you wear it. Likewise, if you have a ring that is very tight on your finger, have your jeweler remove your ring and enlarge the band. A properly sized ring is comfortable and stable as you wear it. 

In order to keep your jewelry in top condition, check it often for worn or weak areas. If you find a questionable area in a piece of your jewelry, stop wearing it and put it in a small bag or envelope for safe keeping. Follow up by taking your jewelry in for cleaning and inspection by a professional jeweler. A professional jeweler can anticipate damage that you may not be able to see. With proper maintenance and jewelry repair, you can wear your jewelry for many years to come. 
